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Are young Asia viewers really turned off by emotional content?

This article first appeared on the Vidcon Asia website. Click here to see the original post. A recent research study from PR firm Ruder Finn has revealed some startling results about the type of content that interests young Asian viewers. Journalist-turned-content strategist Alex Hayes explains why it’s disturbing news for creatives in the region. There’s a story

Are young Asia viewers really turned off by emotional content? Read More »

The rise of the…humans

The following is by Clear Hayes Principal Alex Hayes, and was first published as the Executive Summary to the Advertising Week New York Trends Report, which Clear Hayes produced on behalf of Stillwell Partners.   It’s human nature to be curious. So it was only natural that for the better part of the last two decades

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Podcast: Face 2 Face

Face 2 Face is a podcast series from Facebook Australia featuring two top marketers being interviewed by host Jules Lund. It unearths ideas that thrive in a connected world. Clear Hayes acts as content director for the series from end-to-end, sourcing the right talent for the appropriate topics, researching relevant stories, preparing the guests and

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